
I’d like to apologize for my absence from the blogosphere. My posting frequency has decreased as well as my comments around bloglandia. I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts via rss by way of Bloglines, including: Slant Truth, Woman of Color Blog, The Unapologetic Mexican, Rachel’s Tavern, BlackProf, and Zuky.

The new job has been a refreshing change of pace from the solo venture of my technology consulting business. I feel like my brain is overflowing with academic advisor knowledge. I’m advising students in Health and Human Sciences who are majoring in Exercise and Sports Science, Nutrition and Food Management, Human Development and Family Sciences, and anyone who identifies as “pre-med.” The fall term begins on Monday. I’ve been told that the office will be extremely busy this week.

Starting next week, I hope to publish a new blog post about once per week. I’m definitely in a transitional phase as I shift from being a freelancer to a full time, salaried employee.

In other news, I am scheduled to host the Erase Racism Carnival in November!

Seismic improvement

Milam Hall

It’s a bit disconcerting to read an article on the earthquake readiness of buildings at your place of employment. Especially when your office is in one of the five buildings “identified as the most in need of seismic improvements.” I’m guessing that being in a structure of “unreinforced masonry” is probably not the safest place to be when the ground starts shaking.

I’m now an INFJ

I am an INFJ - Click to view my Personality Profile page
I used to be an INFP.

According to MyPersonality.Info, “INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a “tell me what’s wrong” sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs.”

via Faris.

Academic Advising Abacus

academic advising with an abacus
I decided to purchase an abacus for my desk. Students need at least 180 credits to graduate and at least 60 of those credits need to be from upper division courses. I decided that it would be interesting to see the reaction from my students as I calmly ignored my computer screen (with their credit information) and flicked away at my new abacus.

I am ornery.

Drift Creek North

The Drift Creek North trail is nothing short of spectacular, if you can find it… Wendy was reading our Oregon Coast hiking book while we were yurting and picked out the Drift Creek North trail as a possible hiking adventure. It was quite an adventure. The forest service road to the trail took over an hour to navigate as I dodged trees, thorns, boulders, etc. The trail takes you through what I would describe as an Oregon rain forest. It was beautiful. I had never seen mammoth old growth trees like this before. I think I could have spent a lifetime exploring that part of the Siuslaw National Forest. Here are a few photographs from our Drift Creek North experience.

Continue reading Drift Creek North

Open for comment

I ran into a reader of my site yesterday. She whispered my name to her friend and said that I look different in person than I do on my blog ;-)

This post is inspired by her comments…

This post is an open invitation for all my readers to post a comment. Say hello, post a link to your site, tell us all your real name, talk about your summer, let me know if I need more posts about trombones, etc.

It’s a comments free-for-all. Don’t be shy :-)

Oregon Soap Company

Soapman's Spice Oregon Soap Company

If you need to buy soap, I would suggest purchasing your bars from the Oregon Soap Company. My personal favorite is the Soapman’s Spice. Its blend of clove oil and cinnamon powder in a vegetable-based soap is just terrific! Oregon Soap Company soaps are available for sale on their website and at the Skidmore Saturday Market in Portland Oregon.