Watching more than 70 students, staff and faculty dance in front of the Oregon State University (OSU) Memorial Union steps was quite the sight today.
The OSU’s flashmob was pretty cool too…
Watching more than 70 students, staff and faculty dance in front of the Oregon State University (OSU) Memorial Union steps was quite the sight today.
The OSU’s flashmob was pretty cool too…
What happens when Jimmy Fallon goes on the Engadget Show with Joshua Topolsky…uber nerdery ensues:
If you are looking for the play button, it’s on the bottom right of the video. Hello UI…anyone?!
Thank you Mary Carillo for giving badminton the honor that it truly deserves. As an avid badminton player, this video made my day…perhaps even my month:
via Kottke
PS: Badminton is even better when you combine it with Star Wars.
This post is dedicated to all of my family members who watch Glenn Beck and take him seriously. In all fairness to South Park, I think that Glenn Beck really needs to be on Comedy Central (although, that might be insulting to Jon Stewart…) whereas South Park would probably do well on Fox News…
Here is the inspiration for the South Park parody of Glenn Beck. It’s not very difficult to parody ridiculousness.
Ben Harper debuts his new band Relentless7 and his album White Lies For Dark Times on Austin City Limits.
“European Junior Championships Indoorcycling 2009 Carla Hochdorfer Henriette Hochdorfer Artistic Cycling Juniores Women Pair, European Champions 2009, 2008”:
Hundreds of Oregon State University students took over the Valley Library on Thursday, October 1st. (via the Oregon State University Admissions Blog)
It was a successful flashmob, although I really think that OSU (Oklahoma State University) and UNC (University of North Carolina) have set the bar for successful university flashmobs:
Continue reading Flashmob: Oregon State University Valley Library
Wow. I think I’ve watched/listened to this amazing Michael Jackson Medley at least 10 times now. Sam Tsui is awesome!
[flv: 455 255]
I am the enforcer.
I am a giant killer.
I am Orange.”
I am not orange if this is the way that OSU Athletics is going to promote our football team.
We should not be using the act of making our opponents unconscious as a way to elicit a response from our fan base.
The theme of the video is basically all about gratuitous violence: We are giant killing enforcers who are going to knock you out.
This isn’t the “Beaver Nation” that I want to be a part of and/or associated with.
Update: There is another “I am Orange” video for OSU Football.
In this video, the athleticism of OSU’s football players is celebrated. It’s not about glorified violence, it’s about speed and skill…completely different from the “we’re going to knock you out” video.
Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine’s version of “America’s Got Talent.” She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and “sand painting” skills to interpret Germany’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII. via Huff Post