The Mobile Campus Revolution: It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Star Wars


In addition to writing a couple of blog posts for InsideHigherEd while at Blackboard World, I also managed to put on a session about “The Mobile Campus Revolution.”

The fine folk from echo360 were on hand to record my talk with their lecture capture tech.

In order to embed the lecture capture content, I had to embed it in a separate page:
The Mobile Campus Revolution: It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Star Wars

*Amazing sketchnote art courtesy of Gerren Lamson

**Sadly, there wasn’t any Red Bull available at the New Orleans Convention Center…an alternative energy beverage was consumed during the taping of this talk.

Mobile + Higher Education + Ewoks at #BBW12

It’s official…I’ll be speaking at Blackboard’s annual users conference – BbWorld – in New Orleans. The topic for this talk is mobile + higher education. And, because I’m such an uber nerd, I’ll also be doing my best to incorporate Star Wars into my 55 minute talk. The kind folk at Blackboard wrote up a blog post intro’ing my participation…Blackboard Mobile is definitely a cool segment! Here’s the session description:

The Mobile Campus Revolution: It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Star Wars

Want to better engage your current (and prospective) students? Building bigger Death Stars is not the answer – instead, be a better Ewok! Eric Stoller is a nationally known thought leader, speaker, author, consultant and blogger in the areas of higher education, student affairs, and technology. Join this avowed student affairs radical as he discusses the human-centered technology revolution and mobile’s critical role at the center of the student experiences on campus.

May the force be with you!

Star Wars Exhibit = Ãœber Geek

Star Wars at the OMSI in Portland Oregon
Disclaimer: If you are allergic to Star Wars and extreme doses of geekery, please do not continue. However, if you equate 1977, 1980, and 1983 as the holy trinity of Star Wars, please sit back and enjoy photos from our trip to the Star Wars exhibit at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.

Continue reading Star Wars Exhibit = Ãœber Geek

Star Wars at the OMSI

At the OMSI, Star Wars is.

Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination combines costumes and props from all six Star Wars films with real-world technologies, video interviews with filmmakers, scientists and engineers, and two large Engineering Design Labs, where visitors can build and test speeders and robots. Visitors will explore prototypes, learn about the engineers and designers who are creating new technologies, and discover intriguing similarities between how scientists and filmmakers think.

It made me laugh when I read this: “Masks and weapons (including prop blasters or lightsabers) are not permitted inside the exhibit.”

“Experience a full-size cockpit replica of Episode IV’s Millennium Falcon!”
I wonder if it will do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?