Liveblogging WordCamp PDX:
The tag/hashtag for WordCamPDX (only 1 p) is wordcampdx. Aaron Hockley is kicking off the event promptly at 8:36. Very diverse group of attendees.
Just gave a book away to someone who’s only been blogging for a day or two…the baby blogger :-)
CubeSpace is a “green space”. Very exciting.
Lorelle VanFossen is keynoting this morning. Currently watching an intro video set to “when you wish upon a star”….Video is on “How WordPress has changed your life.”
Lorelle enters in as our “fairy blog mother”…anyone who knows me knows that kitschy themes are not my thing, but so far it’s working for Lorelle :-)
Going over how WordPress has supported people who need info in a hurry. The ease of use of the WordPress setup…
Using to stay up on #wordcampdx tweets on twitter.
Video from the Left Thumb Blogger. Talking about her experience as a WordPress user with a disability. She rocks!
Lorelle is inviting users to share their experiences with WordPress… WordPress evangelism at its finest.
Just took a group photo in the street. It was WordPress chaos.
First session focusing mostly on how content drives a blog. Not all of the bells and whistles…
WordCamPDX photos are already up on Flickr:
Q/A on WordPress plugins, comment policies, dev timlines…
WordPress Plugins session….live streaming on Ustream
1. DISQUS for WordPress comments.
3. Wp Open Id
9. YARPP – related posts via tags and categories
10. iPhone Webclip Manager
11. WP-DBManager
13. Sociable
Honorable mention plugins: Calais Autotagger, Calais Archive tagger, Fluency Admin Theme, Smart Update Pinger, iWPhone (theme), and Treasurelicious. (I’ll get the links up when I get a moment…things are moving fast here at WordCamPDX!)
Sneak peek of WordPress 2.7 in 30 minutes…
Jane Wells from Automattic will be demoing WordPress 2.7…
WordPress 2.7 dashboard navigation is on the left-hand side. Moderate comments directly from dashboard. Draft reminder and Comment reminders.
A lot of dashboard and admin interface usability tweaks to improve the admin experience.
The post screen is extremely customizable. Drag and drop awesomeness!
WordPress team is committed to accessibility. Woohoo!
Threaded comments in WP 2.7. Trolls rejoice :)
Josh Bancroft – Tying your tubes with WordPress
Marshall Kirkpatrick – RSS wizard: mentioned Snackr RSS ticker. Google Custom Search.
When Aaron asked me to talk about how WordPress changes lives, I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that. Luckily, the WordPress Community responded beautifully with ways I hadn’t even thought of. We decided to go over the top with the WordPress Fairy Blogmother to gain attention against four WordCamps all on the same day. I think we succeeded. :D
It was great fun and a great way to let the world know that Portland is SERIOUS when it comes to WordPress and open source technology.
It was great meeting you and I look forward to more such encounters as I’m your new neighbor!