Accessibility / Usability Information from Anitra Pavka
Cynthia Says – web page accessibility checker
Accessify – Online Accessibility Resources
Web XACT – 508 / WAI 1,2,3 Analysis Tool
A great interview with Joe Clark, web accessibility master/guru/expert/etc.
W3C Link Checker (it will tell you if you have any “bad” links)
Frequent web page accessibility issues:
- Frames — oftentimes, developers use frames as a convenient means to separate data sets. Frames are usually a virtual roadblock for users with visual impairments due to incompatibility with screen reader technology.
- Alt tags — Alt tags are used to describe images. If an image is used to provide a user with content then the tag needs to correctly identify the image. If an image is used as a design element then the tag needs to be coded as alt=””. This will allow screen readers to pass over an image without wasting a user’s time.
- CSS/XHTML –Structured markup will ensure that when images and formatting are removed, the content of a site will still be accessible for all users.
Skip navigation links — If navigational menus are duplicated on all pages of a website than a developer should always provide the user with a means to skip the duplicated menu. This will create a heightened usability factor for your user. - New windows — When a web site opens a new window, a user’s navigation ability can be severely decreased. The back button becomes useless and the ability to navigate to the previous page becomes impossible.
A List Apart: Source for web standards information
Assistive Technology Act of 1998
Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center (ITTATC):
National Assessment of State E&IT Accessibility Initiatives
International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet
Making Web Sites Work for People With Disabilities
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
Opera: a web browser with several accessibility features
Oregon State University online accessibility documentation
Section 508 Information
Spazowham Design — “we build sites from raw, organic table-free XHTML and CSS, 100% validated, compliant to W3C standards and Section 508, and ready to run in any browser on any device.”
WebAIM: Accessibility in Mind — Free online accessibility tools
WebAIM: Accessibility in Mind — Section 508 Web Accessibility Checklist
Web-Based Information and Prospective Students with Disabilities:
A Study of Liberal Arts Colleges
As always, I learned a lot today in our CSSA technology class! No questions right now, but will find questions for you when I start working on my website.
Dear Eric,
I can’t believe you did not like my Web site.
:( bell
P.S. White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy. Assessment.