Well, at least one whale anyway. The SMILE Program at OSU with the assistance of some high school students from Oregon created a gigantic inflatable whale and placed it in the Memorial Union Quad last Friday. The web cam on the roof of Milam Hall recorded this timelapse video. I made it a little more dramatic with the addition of the theme from Jaws:
Tag: video
So say we all
At one point the discussion lit a fire under the Admiral, and the talk of human rights turned personal for Edward James Olmos. The “Old Man” launched into a passionate speech about casting off the idea of race as a cultural determinant, and said we were one race, the human race. His voice echoed throughout the chamber growing louder until – I kid you not – he was yelling, “So Say We All,” and the crowd answered right back. Hell, even I yelled it, I was in the fraking United Nations with Adama, the gods themselves could not have stopped this moment. It was surreal – the entire audience turned into one massive optimistic/role-playing/saddened goosebump, because who knows when we’ll ever hear those words again?
Kite flying in the Quad
Experimenting with a Canon HF10… I was in a meeting when we noticed this guy flying a kite on Friday afternoon in the Memorial Union Quad at Oregon State University. I had been demoing the video camera and editing video for most of the day. I ran outside and shot this clip. I imported it into iMovie and messed around with the color saturation. The grass is very green and the sky is very blue! I uploaded the finished product to my brand new Vimeo Plus account. The quality is quite good.
Jon Stewart – real news
Jon Stewart’s interview of CNBC’s Jim Cramer isn’t what I would call comedy. Stewart’s show may run on Comedy Central, but this interview really picks apart CNBC and Jim Cramer. I noticed that some of the “real news” networks ran stories about this interview. The sad part was they didn’t look in a journalistic mirror and ask themselves why a show on a comedy network was doing a better job of analyzing a legitimate news story. These 3 clips are uncut/un-bleeped. They are not safe for work, my mother or any fans of CNBC.
Part 1:
OSU’s Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson is the head coach of men’s basketball at Oregon State University. I had the pleasure of meeting him last fall at an event in the Memorial Union. He seems like a really nice guy. I love that the practice time for men’s basketball is at 5:30 AM. As an academic advisor, I appreciate practice times that don’t overlap or interfere with course schedules.
I love what his Mom says at the end of the video. She’s awesome.
Subtitles + Common Craft = Awesome
I’m a big fan of the Common Craft Show. They take complicated concepts and translate them into “plain English”. I was perusing the Common Craft site yesterday when I noticed that they provide links to subtitled versions of their videos via dotSUB.
Here’s an entertaining and accessible (for people with auditory impairments) video called “Zombies in plain English”:
Another benefit of dotSUB is that they provide a transcript of the subtitled text in plain text. This plain text is extremely useful for users who want to access the Common Craft Show content using a screenreader like JAWS or Window-Eyes.
Stand By Me
A fantastic version of this classic song. It’s a powerful and very moving rendition. This song always reminds me of those who have supported me along the way.
Epic Galapagos video
Sometimes I stumble across something that is just so magnificent that I have to post it on my blog. This underwater high-def footage from the Galapagos is awe inspiring. Visit Vimeo for the full HD experience and turn your speakers on…the music is from the Dark Knight. It’s a perfect match for the footage. Spectacular!
Galapagos from Darek Sepiolo on Vimeo.
Student Affairs Technology
The following videos were not created specifically for student affairs practitioners. However, due to their extreme awesomeness, I feel that they are must-watch for anyone who is interested in technology and student affairs.
What is a podcast?
What is social media?
What is Twitter?
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
From Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly, comes Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Neil Patrick Harris stars as Dr. Horrible, an aspiring super-villain, whose attempts at villainy are constantly thwarted by his nemesis, the heroic Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). He must take his efforts to the next level in order to get into the Evil League of Evil while also mustering the courage to talk to Penny (Felicia Day), the girl at the laundromat. And it’s a musical!
I downloaded Acts 1, 2, and 3 on iTunes. It’s spectacular!