Tomorrow is a big day. It’s the first day of classes at Oregon State University. I’m doing triple duty tomorrow. I have class (Feminist Philosophies), work for my assistantship, and teach my first class of Odyssey. I’m a little nervous. I feel very excited. I feel like I did in college just before I would have a big trombone solo in the jazz band. I’m jazzed about this experience. My class takes place in Rogers Hall, Room 440. Who knew that someday I would be teaching a class to first-year students at a Pac 10 University? What a wild ride!
Here’s a link to my classroom: I still need to check it out before my class starts. I’m definitely coming down to the wire with my logistics. I’m still editing my syllabus today and my Blackboard Teaching website is almost ready. I have one class of 20 students and I’m feeling overloaded. I can’t imagine how professors who have 2-3 classes handle the teaching load.
My schedule for the fall term looks like this:
- 20 hours a week for my assistantship with Enrollment Management / OSU Student Affairs
- 1.5 hours a week teaching Odyssey
- 3 hours a week prepping for Odyssey
- 9 hours a week in 3 classes: 1 philosophy, 1 cssa, and 1 counseling class
- 9 hours a week for my practicum experience with OSU Student Conduct
- 18 hours a week studying for my classes
I’m exhausted just thinking about this list :-)
Wish me luck. Once school starts, I’ll be busy until I find a full-time job. That means I’ll be a little occupied until June (if everything goes as planned).