The blogosphere is pulsating with ferocity this morning. I have about 50 potential posts floating around in the soup that makes up my consciousness…
Random Item number 1: This isn’t a link but I really want to post that I am super excited, happy, giddy, etc. that this Sunday, the 25th of March will be the 2 year anniversary for me and Wendy!
Random Item number 2: I just signed up to be the host for the Erase Racism Carnival in November of 2007. I am very excited, nervous, and exuberant about this opportunity.
Random Item number 3: I have cable creep that resembles the vine-laden jungles of Costa Rica. Fortunately, Macinstruct has a great tutorial on managing cable creep.
Random Item number 4: Macinstruct, one of my favorite new sites, has a great post about the many functions of the Apple Remote. Apparently the Apple Remote can be used to play movies, turn on the dishwasher, light a fire with kindling, control a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, and start your neighbor’s car.
Random Item number 5: Pink Martini is releasing a new album, Hey Eugene!, on May 15, 2007!
Random Item number 6: Bear Grylls is the host of the Discovery Channel’s “Man vs. Wild.” I wish the Discovery Channel would stop making shows that are as enticing to me (Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, etc.) as white chocolate mochas with soy! Here a few choice clips from “Man vs. Wild.”
Random Item number 7: Help! I need a low interest loan ($40 million dollars) so I can purchase a Mark Rothko painting. Rothko’s painting, “White Center (Yellow, Pink and Lavender on Rose),” is just lovely.
Random Item number 8: There is a new city in the empirical land of Duh: Survey links binge drinking to poor grades.
A survey of University of Iowa students has confirmed the suspicion that heavy drinking can hurt a college student’s grades.
The university released a study Wednesday that shows U of I freshmen who reported binge drinking more than six times in two weeks had grade averages 0.28 of a grade point lower than their peers who reported no participation in binge drinking.
“Survey links binge drinking to poor grades” is located in the land of Duh next to the Province of “Flossing is good for your teeth” and the Commonwealth of “Second hand smoke is detrimental to your health.”
Random Item number 9: I heart Google.
The company now ferries about 1,200 employees to and from Google daily — nearly one-fourth of its local work force — aboard 32 shuttle buses equipped with comfortable leather seats and wireless Internet access. Bicycles are allowed on exterior racks, and dogs on forward seats, or on their owners’ laps if the buses run full.
Random Item number 10: Librivox creates and hosts free audio books.
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. We are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project.
Bonus Random Item, the elusive number 11: The local coffee shop with wifi and white chocolate mochas is now my home office. I wonder if I can deduct that on my taxes?
Damn good timing on the cable management link. I’m going to attempt some rearranging of the home theatre on Sunday :thumbup:
Good luck managing your cables :) Let me know when you’re having the system debut party…
I ‘heart’ random thoughts of all sorts and these are some great ones! CONGRATS to you and Wendy! Hooray for Pink Martini! I just KNEW there had to be an empirical land of Duh, but now I feel quite confident that I could find it on a map.
Happy blogging!