I love that Jason and Mike have been able to keep making music for all these years…The Nadas have been one of my favorite bands ever since I was an undergrad at the University of Northern Iowa. I think it’s pretty funny that they just busted out Eye of the Tiger in Philadelphia!
6 tracks that I’ve been spinning lately…
[audio:http://www.nadaradio.com/filedesongs/01/whisper.mp3,http://www.nadaradio.com/filedesongs/02/FarAway.mp3,http://www.nadaradio.com/filedesongs/02/where040105.mp3,http://www.nadaradio.com/filedesongs/01/NowThatFoundYou.mp3,http://thenadas.com/almanac/playerTracks/BitterLove.mp3,http://thenadas.com/almanac/playerTracks/longgoodbye.mp3|titles=Whisper,Far Away,Where Im Going,Now That I Found You,Bitter Love,Long Goodbye]
Life, love, change, and the future.