Category: Technology Workshops
Intro to Dreamweaver
Things to know before you start Dreamweaving —
• Onid web space:
• FTP = File Transfer Protocol: Transferring files from your computer to a web server.
• Local vs. Remote
• File paths
• HTML is a programming language. HyperText Markup Language
• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Used for design and layout.
• How do links work? Open new window?
• How do you display an image?
• Tables
• Index.html or .htm
• CSS Templates
• View Source
• Web graphics: gifs/jpegs
Dreamweaver MX 2004
• WYSIWYG editor
• Intro to the workspace
• Site View
• Properties
• Modify page properties
o Title
o Fonts
o Links
o Background
• Macromedia Exchange and Macromedia Extensions
• Dreamweaver and pre-made templates and create your own templates
Technology articles for student affairs practitioners
Using an Online Immersion to Teach and Learn about Student Affairs and Technology
Extreme Makeover: Technology’s Effect on Student Affairs
The Net Generation Goes to College
Technology Workshops: A few thoughts
It’s going as well as can be expected when you are trying to teach your peers. The respect levels ebb and flow.
The attendance has been very steady. 10+ people each time. The hardest thing is trying to extract the technical info from my own cortext and then articulate it to users with varying skill levels.
I would say I feel like I am facilitating more than I am teaching. The workshops are so technical in nature and the motivation for most people is their portfolio. This does dishearten me from time to time. I would like people to see technology as a necessity for their future roles as SA professionals. Instead everyone has a very narrow view. I’ve tried to convey the importance of technology awareness but it seems lost in the “I need to know this stuff so I can make an awesome portfolio” shuffle.
I’ve received some decent feedback. People have given me cues as to what works and what does not.
Advanced PhotoShop Learning Objectives
• Web graphics: 72 DPI, save for web, matte color options, gifs and jpegs
• Image mode
• Crop Tool
• Eraser Tool
• Brush Tool
• Effects
• Transparency Effects
• Merging Layers
• Filters
• Adjustment options
• Free Transform and Transform
• Navigator Palette
• Actions Palette
• Preferences
• File Final (Image) Info
• PDF Image extraction
If we have time, we’ll go over the following new features in detail:
• File Browser: Preview images and useful for organization
• Run Crop and Straighten: Automatic Crop and Straighten: Scan multiple images Each image is automatically cropped into its own new document.ïƒÂ
• Color Replacement Tool: Change the color of any area of an image, while retaining original texture and shading.
• Huge Document Support: Create images up to 300,000 by 300,000 pixels, simply enormous!
PhotoShop Basic Training
PhotoShop Training Outline
• Hardware Requirements: 512mb of ram, 17inch or larger monitor
• Resolution: 600 DPI and 72 DPI
• Raster vs. Vector
• Layers Palette and editing
• Tools
• Canvas Size and Image Size
• Pixels and Inches
• Crop Tool — We’ll cover this in the next session…
• Selection Tool
• Magnetic Lasso Tool
• Type Tool
• Eraser Tool
• Brush Tool
• Healing Brush Tool
• Fill Tool
• Eyedropper Tool
• Always save a .psd file. (Export as anything but you will lose editing control.)
• Undo Options
• History Palette
• Navigator Palette
• Actions Palette
• Preferences
New Features in CS: (Adobe just released PhotoShop CS2!!)
Color Matching: The new color match feature reads the color statistics of one image or layer and applies them to another. It can be used to quickly achieve a consistent look in a series of shots, such as in fashion or commercial photography, or to match color schemes in photos shot under different lighting conditions (useful for web images — maintain a consistent look).
File Browser: Preview images and useful for organization
Automatic Crop and Straighten: Scan multiple images Run Crop and Straighten Each image is automatically cropped into its own new document.
Color Replacement Tool: Change the color of any area of an image, while retaining original texture and shading.
Huge Document Support: Create images up to 300,000 by 300,000 pixels, simply enormous!
PhotoShop Tools
Adobe PhotoShop CS2
I unplug for a DAY and Adobe updates PhotoShop!!!
CSSA Technology Workshops
Greetings CSSA’ers
The following technology workshops will be available for CSSA students during the spring term (2005)*:
(All workshops will be held on Thursdays in the Milne Computing Center, Room 130, from 4:00pm – 5:20pm.
April 7th: Adobe PhotoShop Basics
April 14th: Adobe PhotoShop — Print and Web Design
April 21st: Web Design I — Intro to Dreamweaver
April 28th: Web Design II — Advanced Dreamweaver
May 5th: Web Design III — Cascading Style Sheets, Accessibility, Usability, Web Statistics
May 12th: PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat — A grab bag of useful tips, tricks, and stuff they don’t put in books!
May 19th: Google — Advanced Search Techniques, Images, Translate Tool, Desktop Tool, Gmail, Maps, Local, Picasa, and whatever else Google invents by May 19th!
May 26th: Computer Hardware — Flash Drives, MP3 Players, Digital Cameras, How to burn a cd, etc.
If you have any questions/comments/requests, feel free to e-mail me at: eric.stoller at
* Technology workshops are for CSSA Graduate Students only. The Workshops cannot be taken for credit.