One of the most successful components of the NACADA Technology Seminar was the use of Twitter amongst the seminar attendees. Every tweet for the event was tagged with this hashtag: #nacadatech09. The hashtag allowed us to aggregate all tagged tweets into the NACADA Tech website via a widget from
This year, due to a multitude of financial issues, a lot of NACADA members will most likely not be able to attend the NACADA Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
The following hashtag has been “created” to enable non-attendees the opportunity to virtually follow the action in San Antonio: #nacada09
How can you participate as either a NACADA Annual Conference Tweeter or as a virtual follower?
NACADA Tweeters:
- Step 1: Sign up for a Twitter account.
- Step 2: Take your laptop or web-ready cellphone to San Antonio and hope that WiFi is available.
- Step 3: Post updates on Twitter about the conference: session pointers, take-aways, best practices, key issues, etc.
- Step 4: In every 140 character post, include “#nacada09” (without quotes and a space in front of and after the tag)
Virtual followers:
- Step 1: Follow the virtual conference action via a Twitter search for #nacada09
- Step 2: Repeat step 1.
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