If Stewart Foss, the proprietor of eduStyle – inspiration for campus web designers, ever purchased monogrammed [ES] eduStyle towels, I could easily borrow them. In lieu of towels, Stewart sent me something that I am even more fond of. A custom, one of a kind, eduStyle t-shirt. The front proudly displays the eduStyle logo while the back outs me as eduStyle’s “most awesome user.” The community at eduStyle continues to grow and I thoroughly enjoy being one of the many users on the site.
You are a beautiful nerd.
You are a beautiful nerd. Good on you for being part of something neat.
Oops. Sorry about the double comment.
Ok I’m jealous! So I might not be the “most awesome user” but I’m top ten! Hook a brother up?
I did see Stewart wearing one of the shirts at eduWEB… don’t believe me here’s my proof.
LOL I love it! The shirt is adorable. eduStyle is how I found your blog.