Sometimes my Macbook Pro crashes…however, it has only crashed 3 times and each time I have had Microsoft Windows XP running via Parallels. It would really be neat if I could get Windows XP in Parallels to throw the blue screen of death (BSOD) while Mac OS X simultaneously displayed the OS X crash graphic…
I’ve only got that black screen of death about three times since using a mac laptop (starting in 2003). But I’ve had other problems where the black screen doesn’t come up.
How is Parallels working for you? I’ve thought about downloading it and running Ubuntu.
oh, and did you know that the plural of a noun usually doesn’t take an apostrophe? ;)
I have been pulled over by the BGPF: Blogging Grammar Police Force. The ticket has been noted and paid officer :-)
Parallels has been pretty nice. I really like the Coherence mode.