OSU Office of Student Conduct learning contract:
Learning Objectives
- To gain experience in student conduct.
- To gain an understanding of conduct models, theory, and practice
- To have a basic understanding of student conduct at Oregon State University
- Develop the competencies of:
- 1c. Standards of good practice in student affairs and ethical responsibilities
of the student affairs professional - 2a. Transitional issues faced by students before and after their tenure
in higher education settings - 2b. The various and changing needs, goals, affinities of students
within varied higher education settings (i.e. community college, private,
public, etc) - 2c. The diversity of student populations including, but not limited
to, age, socioeconomic status, gender, race, and ethnicity, language,
nationality, religion or spirituality, sexual orientation, ability, and
preparedness - 2d. Theories related to student development and potential practical
applications - 3c. Organizational structure, dynamics, and leadership
- 3d. Legal issues critical in guiding and influencing practice
- 4a. Design and implement thorough assessment efforts including the
identification of new key questions, resources, and target populations - 4b. Create instruments and/or protocols for assessing important questions
- 4c. Credibly convey key findings and recommendations to stakeholders
and constituents - 5a. Design original programs including the identification of resources,
needs, and goals - 6a. Develop and share ideas an concepts to students, staff, or faculty
groups outside of the CSSA classroom - 6b. Incorporate original and innovative techniques that are appropriate
and engaging in sharing these ideas - 6c. Reflect on the experience and make constructive changes and improvements
- 7a. Positively manage, develop, and engage in working relationships
with faculty, staff, and students across functional and institutional
boundaries. - 7b. Initiate and participate in working alliance and teams with a
wide range of people across cultural boundaries. - 7c. Take on key leadership roles though these partnerships and collaborations
- 7d. Serve as advocate, counselor, and/or advisor to students or student
groups - 7e. Manage and/or mediate conflict, crisis, or problematic circumstances
- 8a. Seek out a comprehensive and well-rounded graduate and professional
experience - 8c. Reflect on graduate, professional, and personal development experiences
toward greater self-understanding - 8e. Engage in thoughtful career planning and decision making exercises
- 9a. Awareness of one’s cultural heritage and how it affects
identity development, world views, values and assumptions - 9b. Knowledge of systems of privilege and oppression as well as knowledge
of groups and individuals who are different from self - 9c. Skills to challenge and support individuals, groups and organizations
in a manner that maximizes multiculturally sensitive and appropriate
practices - 9d. Ability to identify areas of personal and professional growth
in improving one’s own multicultural competence
Duties and Responsibilities
- Periodic meetings with practicum supervisor.
- Attending Impact classes
- Participating in Informal Hearings
- Participating in Formal Hearings
- Job Shadowing
- Attending the Oregon Judicial Officers meeting
- Serve on the Student Conduct Committee
Performance Evaluation
- Exhibit professional growth and competence through self-reflective journaling
via an online journal/blog. - Fulfill 90 hours of practicum experience.